Asian Animation

Animation is an art form that showcases the creative and imaginative side of a person by combining it with the power of computer technology. It is an animation production that presents 3-D computer animation. This animation is done with the use of special effects, animation, visual effects, computer animation.


It is an animation production house that creates original visual effects for television, movies, games and video. Lucasfilm Animation Singapore is primarily responsible for the amazing animation series Star Wars: The Clone Wars along with other animated projects like Episodes III & IV. They also create films such as Twilight, Rise of the Phoenix, New Moon and the forthcoming sequel to the latter called Eclipse. All these are augmented by amazing visual effects and computer graphics.

This animation is characterized by its characteristic animation style, which uses strong character and storyboard visualization. The storyboard artists and animators from the animation studio will create the storyboards, storyboard paintings and matte paintings using the software packages such as Photoshop, After Effects and Cinema 7. 3 Revision is another term that is used to describe the special effects utilized in this kind of animation. The main reason for using 3 Revision is to provide extra dimension and life to the visual effects.

A good example is when you watch the hit TV series Lost. You will notice a lot of time is placed on establishing shots. In the pilot episode, it is seen that the lead character Jack notices a flash of light coming from a tree in the background. Using 3dsense media school, you will be able to make such visual effects in your animation project. The best way to learn the techniques would be to join a team that is working on the same project as you.

In the animation industry, it is crucial to acquire the skills needed to be competitive. One of the methods that is used is to hire an artist from the Asian country that has the skills that you need. The advantage of hiring an artist from Asia is that you are guaranteed to receive the highest quality of work. When you are planning to start your animation project, you may consider taking lessons from the Asian Visual Effects Training Course that is offered by Singapore art schools and institutions such as the Zain and Chinah College of Art and Design.

Animation features a large number of animation directors and producers in Asia. Most of these professionals are from countries that are members of the Southeast Asian Association of Animated Film and Television. The professionals that come from these countries include people such as directors, producers, animators and writers. Learning animation production from a team of experts from Southeast Asia will enhance your knowledge about animation in the long run.

animation directors are responsible for planning, storyboarding, drawing, special effects, matte painting, and finalizing animation. A VFX or visual effects is an element that helps bring alive the image or the subject in the animated film or television series. The most popular VFX in animation includes lighting, camera techniques, special FX, SFX, explosions and computer animation. The professionals that are involved with these departments are typically college-educated. Animation technology in Southeast Asia is developing rapidly due to the growth of low-cost labor in the region. As a result, it has allowed many businessmen in the animation industry to make a name for themselves in this field.

The animation that is produced by the VFX industry is very advanced and imaginative. It is often compared to Hollywood movies and animation with highly detailed and accurate images. The animation department of the South Pacific nation of Singapore, for example, has produced some of the most successful and popular animated series such as Oddblad, Kim Possible, Inspector Gadget, Kung Fu Panda, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and The Legend of Zelda.